Friday, December 29, 2006

doiszerozeroseis em imagens

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Vitor's Chart

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Os Texas nunca foram a minha banda de eleição, mas reconheço que têm deixado para trás grandes músicas e bons albuns. Talvez um dos grandes trunfos dos Texas seja a charmosa Sharleen Spiteri, vocalista da banda, que com a sua simpatia, sensualidade e irreverência conseguiu mediatizar bastante os videoclips do grupo.

Our Lifetime é um bom exemplo da qualidade dos viedoclips dos Texas. Foi (muito bem) realizado em 1999 e conta com efeitos visuais bastante avançados para altura. Lembro-me de o ver vezes sem conta e nunca me fartar.

Dêm uma espreitadela...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Música em 2006

Foi um ano de boas colheitas a nível musical, a meu ver. Tivemos direito a um excelente albúm dos Sonic Youth, um Beck com novas sonoridades mais ligadas ao hip-hop, música de grande qualidade dos Camera Obscura, Marisa Monte no seu melhor com um album criativo e consistente e os The Knife que nos deram a conhecer um dos melhores discos de electrónica do ano.


Para mim o melhor albúm do ano vai para um rapaz que sozinho consegue compor e tocar como ninguém - Owen Pallet - mais conhecido como Final Fantasy. "He poos Clouds", o seu segundo albúm, é um disco simples, sem muitos instrumentos ou vozes mas com uma grande carga de criatividade. Foi este o albúm que me acompanhou mais tempo durante o ano de 2006 e acho que vai continuar a acompanhar em 2007.
Quantas vezes não fiz Santarém- Lisboa ou Santarém -Beja a cantar com o amigo Owen...

Apesar de não ter assistido a muitos concertos em 2006 tive a oportunidade de ver dEUS na Aula Magna, o pequeno grande concerto de Lula Pena na ZDB, e agora mesmo no fim do ano ainda pude ver e conhecer os brasileiros Pato Fu a quem tive o prazer e oferecer uma t'shirt De qualquer forma, mais uma vez, o concerto que mais gostei foi mesmo Final Fantasy no Club Lua. Para terem uma ideia (aqueles que não puderam estar presentes) deixo-vos uma pequena amostra do concerto (o som não está muito bom)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006


E como qualquer comum mortal lá fiz os 29, ontem, dia 17. O aniversário é sempre uma desculpa para passarmos um dia feliz. E assim foi.

Next Stop:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Thursday, December 07, 2006

help yourself

truque inoxidável


repito faca

escrevo faca pelo corpo,desenho faca no peito da noite

desembaraço-me do sumo inoxidável doutra faca


sorrio faca no escuro dum beco

-Hoje não matarás!

Al Berto

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

niquel náusea

Monday, December 04, 2006


Há fins de semana fantásticos, não há?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

kubrick's design

O argumento da imagem ultrapassada ou do design obsoleto nem sempre pode ser usado e existem vários exemplos disso: logótipos desenhados há décadas atrás mas que continuam actualizados com o design praticado nos nossos dias, mobiliário antigo cujas as formas se adaptam facilmente a um tipo de decoração moderna...etc. Neste caso, lembrei-me de fazer um rewind até aos filmes de Stanley Kubrick e respectivo material promocional. Por mais anos que tenham passado continuam a ser peças intemporais e de grande valor artistico.

Freak Show

É impressão minha ou o Manuel Monteiro não tinha os 2 dentes da frente, ontem, no debate da Sic Notícias?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

O melhor videoclip de sempre

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Friday, November 17, 2006

Back to the sketches

Ultimamente tenho tido uma enorme vontade de desenhar, o que não acontecia há algum tempo, talvez por falta de inspiração e estabilidade emocional. O que é certo é que o hábito de ver tv à noite tem sido subsitituído pela folha de papel e o mp3 (a banda sonora da Marie Antoniette e o novo album de Beck também têm ajudado). O resultado final não é realmente importante... o objectivo é mesmo praticar o traço e dar largas à imaginação.

Pode ser que digitalize uns desenhitos e os "poste" aqui, eh eh.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Don't stop, Marie

Friday, November 10, 2006

today is the day

Monday, November 06, 2006

me, you and everyone we know

we have a whole life to live together you fucker, but it can't start until you call.

Monday, October 30, 2006

de profundis amamus

às onze
um cigarro
ficámos para perder
todos os teus eléctricos
os meus
estavam perdidos
por natureza própria

dez quilómetros
a pé
ninguém nos viu passar
os porteiros
é da natureza das coisas
ser-se visto
pelos porteiros

como só tu sabes olhar
a rua os costumes

O Público
o vinco das tuas calças
está cheio de frio
e há quatro mil pessoas interessadas

Não faz mal abracem-me
os teus olhos
de extremo a extremo azuis
vai ser assim durante muito tempo
decorrerão muitos séculos antes de nós
mas não te importes
não te importes
nós só temos a ver
com o presente
corsários de olhos de gato intransponível
maravilhados maravilhosos únicos
nem pretérito nem futuro tem
o estranho verbo nosso

Mário Cesariny

Thursday, October 26, 2006

alter your surroundings

O conceito de podermos interferir com o que nos rodeia sempre me interessou bastante. O facto de olharmos para a paisagem (seja ela urbana ou rural) não como algo estático e inerte mas sim como uma tela em branco pronta a ser pintada pode levar-nos a imaginar 1001 formas de mudar o que vemos diariamente.

O crescimento desmesurado das cidades e a predominância de prédios cinzentos e quadrados torna o ambiente monótono e sem vida. Normalmente não passa pela cabeça de ninguém (excepto dos "graffiters") que também podemos fazer algo que mude este cenário, nem que seja por umas breves horas.

Este site fala-nos deste conceito e dá algumas ideias de iniciativas com bom gosto e não poluidoras (ambientais ou visuais), construídas com base no "juntos não podemos mudar o Mundo, mas podemos mudar o que nos rodeia".

Do you want to change your neibourhood?

Friday, October 13, 2006



White Gold

Piss poor, riding high, sunbathing fireside
We're here for the porn or the sirloin
Get your T-bone, let your backbone slide
Tunnel and sky collide
Lose friends to the airwaves and the airlines

I want to make it right
Some future in my eyes, bright
Hush don't explain
When you water down my name
I'll be up too late
Call me when you get
Better at your game
You haven't beat me yet

The waitress, the actress
Has got the skin and the bones
With the hairbrush and an air brush
She'd be white gold
She asked the piss poor
"Why are you looking for that party in the sky
It's just a movie about a movie, too old to die"

But I'm going to make it right
Some future in my eyes, bright
Hush don't explain
When you water down my name
I'll be up too late
Call me when you get
Better at your game
You haven't beat me yet
Though my vision is strained

I'm going to make it right
Some future in my eyes, bright
Hush don't explain
When you water down my name
I'll be up too late
Call me when you get
Better at your game
You haven't beat me yet
Though my vision is strained

Metric. White Gold


One night to be confused
One night to speed up truth
We had a promise made

Four hands and then away

Both under influence we had divine scent
To know what to say

Mind is a razorblade
To call for hands of above to lean on

Wouldn't be good enough for me

One night of magic rush

The start: a simple touch

One night to push and scream

And then relief
Ten days of perfect tunes

The colours red and blue

We had a promise made
We were in love
And you, you knew the hand of a devil

And you kept us awake with wolves teeth
Sharing different heartbeats in one night

Heartbeats. Jose Gonzalez

Monday, October 09, 2006

Lover's Spit

All these people drinking lover's spit
They sit around and clean their face with it
And they listen to teeth to learn how to quit

Tied to a night they never met...

You know its time that we grow old and do some shit
I like it all that way
I like it all that way...

All these people drinking lover's spit
Swallowing words while giving head
They listen to teeth to learn how to quit
Take some hands and get used to it...

Lover's spit. Broken Social Scene

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Portishead-Only You

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

familiar feelings

Monday, August 21, 2006


Shame on you!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Karma Police

Primeiro Vídeo... grande filme

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tonight we fly

Tonight we fly
Over the houses
The streets and the trees
Over the dogs down below
They'll bark at our shadows
As we float by on the breeze
Tonight we fly
Over the chimney tops
Skylights and slates
-Looking into all your lives
And wondering why
Happiness is so hard to find
Over the doctor, over the soldier
Over the farmer, over the poacher
Over the preacher, over the gambler
Over the teacher, over the rambler
Over the lawyer, over the dancer
Over the voyeur,over the builder and the destroyer,
Over the hills and far awayTonight we fly
Over the mountainsThe beach and the sea
Over the friends that we've known
And those that we now know
And those who we've yet to meet
And when we die
Oh, will we be
That disappointed
Or sad
If heaven doesn't exist
What will we have missed
This life is the best we've ever had
Tonight we fly. Divine Comedy.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Stomack Song

Some boys I know
They speak with broken mouths
I have to sit inside their stomachs
To find out what they are really about...
But not like the days
When the sky is blue
And all that I had
Was a little of me In a little of you...
Some girls I know
They speak with broken mouths
I have to sit within their stomachs
To find out what they're all about...
'Cause nowadays all people want are pills
To help them not to talk
To help them not to feel
And they can't believe their eyes
Several times
I've seen them try
No, they can't be their lives...
Some boys I know
They speak with broken mouths
I have to sit inside their stomachs
To find out what they're really about...
Stomack Song. Broken Social Scene

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Oh, Well

What you did to me made me see myself something different
And though I try to talk sense to myself
But I just won't listen
Won't you go away
Turn yourself in
You're no good at confession
Before the image that you burned me in
Tries to teach you a lesson
What you did to me made me see myself something awful
A voice once stentorian is now again meek and muffled
It took me such a long time to get back up the first time you did it
I spent all I had to get it back, and now it seems I've been out-bidded
My peace and quiet was stolen from me
When I was looking with calm affection
You were searching out my imperfections
What wasted unconditional love
On somebody
Who doesn't believe in the stuff
You came upon me like a hypnic jerk
When I was just about settled
And when it counts you recoil
With a cryptic word and leave a love belittled
Oh what a cold and common old way to go
I was feeding on the need for you to know me
Devastated at the rate you fell below me
What wasted unconditional love
On somebody
Who doesn't believe in the stuff
Oh, well
Oh, Well. Fiona Apple

Monday, March 27, 2006


I can't hold this state,
Understand me,
To tread this fantasy, openly,
What have I done.
Oh, this uncertainty,
Is taking me over.
I can't mould this stage,
Recognize me,
To tread this fantasy, openly,
What have I done.
Oh, this uncertainty,
Is taking me over,
Is taking me over.
To tread this fantasy, openly,
What have I done.
Oh, this uncertainty Is taking me over,
Is taking me over,
Is taking me over.
Oh It's all over, yeah,
Oh It's all over,
yeah, oh oh oh.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Plágio por uma boa causa

Num dos Blogs que frequento diaramente deparei com este excelente texto... Obrigado Tiago, e desculpa o plágio.

O teu amor está perto do vómito. Igualmente sentido na barriga, e tão diferente. Parecidíssimo com a anteestreia de
um exame, mas sem cronómetro que lhe aplique um fim. Perto da insuportabilidade, sustentável apenas porque não
seria amor sem o ódio a hifenizá-lo, o contraste constante que permite à limitação cognitiva o reconhecimento de um conceito apenas na lembrança de outro que lhe seja diametralmente oposto.
Esbocei alguém, parcialmente plagiado daquilo que os produtores da Celine querem que ela grite, quando não sei
desenhar nem escrever música que venda, e dei-lhe a tua cara. Vejo-te sorrir, quando só te vejo a má disposição.
Quando não te vejo sequer.E nesta alucinação de bruma de duche, nestas dormidas de sonhos fortes não sei de quê mas que me obrigam a dormir mais e a cansar mais ainda, como corações de chocolate que não foste tu a comprar, e mutilo-me na fome do estômago, para pensar menos na de ti.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Over and over

No I won’t interfere
I’m the only sound you’ll ever need to hear
Listen to my breathe so near
Allow me to be every noise in your ear
Since that day I wake up early
Every morning which is good
But my stomach’s churning, call me,
It would be nice if you could
Some days I question
The suggestion
You might not exist at all
Can we meet and talk it over
Would you be kind enough to call
Over and overIt’s over all over
And over and over and over
And over.....
No there’s no middle ground
Your off in another story
Or merry-go-round
No there’ll be no measured terms
You fly in the face of the way the world turns
Like a frozen tidal wave
Since that day I’m standing still
You brought me here and I accept
Though you regret I never will
Just one sweet word
And then a smile from you
Is almost worth everything
I’ve given all I had to give
But you gave up giving in
You are everywhere I go
All the places we have been
I can’t imagine where you are
For you are all I’ve ever seen
Over and over.....
All I’ve ever known
All I’ve ever seen
Places that I go
Places that we’ve been
Over and over. Moloko

Friday, March 10, 2006


You're tearing me apart
Crushing me inside
You used to lift me up
Now you get me down
If IWas to walk away
From you my love
Could I laugh again ?
If I Walk away from you
And leave my love
Could I laugh again ?
Again, again...
You're killing me again
Am I still in your head ?
You used to light me up
Now you shut me down
If I Was to walk away
From you my love
Could I laugh again ?
If IWalk away from you
And leave my love
Could I laugh again ?
I'm losing you again
Locking me inside
I used to lift you up
Now I get you down
Without your love
You're tearing me apart
With you close by
You're crushing me inside
Without your love
You're tearing me apart
Without your love
I'm dowsed in madness
Can't loose the sadness
I can't loose the sadness
Can't loose the sadness
You're tearing me apart
Crushing me inside
Without your love (you used to lift me up)
You're crushing me inside (now you get me down)
With you close by
I'm dowsed in madness
Can't lose the sadness
It's ripping me apart
Again. Archive

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

All I Need

" Never been here - How about you ? "
You smile at my answer,
You've given me the chance,
To be held and understood.
You leave me laughing without crying,
There's no use denying,
For many times I've tried,
Love has never felt as good.
Be it downtown or way up in the air,
When your heart's pounding,
You know that I'm aware.
You make it easy to watch the world with love,
You make it easy to let the past be done,
You make it easy.
How'd you do it ?
How'd you find me ?
How did I find you ?
How can this be true ?
To be held and understood.
Keep it coming - no one's running
The lesson I'm learning'
Cause blessings are deserved
By the trust that always could
Be it downtown or way up in the air,
When your heart's pounding,
You know that I'm aware.
You make it easy to watch the world with love,
You make it easy to let the past be done,
You make it easy.
You make it easy to watch the world with love
,You make it easy to let the past be done,
You make it easy.
All I need. Air

Monday, February 20, 2006

Winner's Blues

...ifor by the away, go out not today (?)
move back along and wait a long long time
nothing running free, you gotta time it all
run out the door come back when you score
new times will come and you will see a door
into the lion eye and now i'm gone
and it's out
and it's not
what you thought it was about
but a life, that you know
will keep you bound in...
sometimes you win, sometimes you lose
sometimes you got still the blues for me
I could run away, a long time to stay
burn out your eyes, burn out surprise
look out today you know it's not the same
it's all the rage, it's every dayand it's out
and it's not what you thought it was about
but a life, that you know
will keep you round in love
Winner's Blues.Sonic Youth.

Monday, February 13, 2006

O meu blog ficou preto!

Não sei o que se passa...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Something I can never have

I still recall
The taste of your tears
Echoing your voice
Just like the ringing in my ears
My favorite dreams of you
Still wash ashore
Scraping through my head
'Till I don't want to sleep anymore
Come on tell me
You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I'm down to just one thing
And I'm starting to scare myse
lfYou make this all go away
You make it all go away
I just want something
I just want something
I can never have
You always were the one
To show me how
Back then I couldn't do the things
That I can do now
This thing Is slowly taking me apart
Grey would be the color
If I had a heart
I just want something
I can never have
In this place It seems like such a shame
Though it all looks different now,
I know it's still the same
Everywhere I look
You're all I see
Just a fading fucking reminder
Of who I used to be
I just want something
I just want something
I can never have
I just want something
I can never have
Think I know what you meant
That night on my bed
Still picking at this scab
Something I can never have. Nine Inch Nails.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Don't kid yourself
And don't fool yourself
This love's too good to last
And I'm too old to dream
Don't grow up too fast
And don't embrace the past
This life's too good to last
And I'm too young to care
Don't kid yourself
And don't fool yourself
This life could be the last
And we're too young to see
Blackout. Muse.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Talk Show Host

I want to, I want to be someone else or I'll explode
Floating upon the surface for
The birds, the birds, the birds
You want me, well fucking well come and find me
I'll be waiting with a gun and a pack of sandwiches
And nothing,
You want me, well, come on and break the door down
You want me, fucking come on and break the door down
I'm ready,
I'm ready,
I'm ready,
I'm ready
I'm ready

Talk show host. Radiohead.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Big Time Sensuality

I can sense it
Something important
Is about to happen
It's coming up.
It takes courage to enjoy it
The hardcore and the gentle
Big time sensuality.
We just met
And I know
I'm a bit too intimate
But something huge is coming up
And we're both included.
It takes courage to enjoy it
The hardcore and the gentle
Big time sensuality.
I don't know my future after this weekend
And I don't want to.
It takes courage to enjoy it
The hardcore and the gentle
Big time sensuality
Big Time Sensuality. Björk

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Maybe you can owe me

Maybe you can owe me
Or should we wait and see
'Cause I've been saving up
For something we need
As long as you're open
To the possibility, yeah
Surely there's a story in counting
All the minutes 'til July the first
But you counted all the seconds
And it made you feel worse
I don't wanna be here
You just wanna be there
But it's awful complicated
And you're warning me to beware
And honey, there's no hurry
I know it's overdue
There's a key to the door
To the room where I'm staying
You can sleep on the floor
Halfway through the night
Can we talk and see
'Cause there's no way that I'll sleep
When you're near me
Maybe You Can Owe Me. Architecture In Helsinki

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy and Bleeding

She'd burst
Dropped off
Picked the fruit
I'm naked
I'm naked too
So cover my body
Dress it fine
Hide my linen and lace
Been sewing ever since
Since time began
More than the hills
More than the trees
More than the mountains, you
More than I can see
In front of me
More than the mountains, you
So fruit flower myself inside out
I'm happy and bleeding for you
Fruit flower myself inside out
I'm tired and I'm bleeding for you
This fruit was bruised
Dropped off and blue
Out of season
Happy I'm bleeding
Long overdue
Too early and it's late too
Too early and it's late too
Mind and body
I wouldn't and I would not do
Fruit flower myself inside out
I'm happy and bleeding for you
Fruit flower myself inside out
I'm tired and I'm bleeding for you
Fig fruit flower myself inside out for you
( X5 ){happy and bleeding, happy and...}
Fig fruit flower myself inside out for you
{happy and bleeding, happy and...}
Fig fruit flower myself inside out for you
{happy and bleeding, happy and...}...
Happy and bleeding. PJ Harvey